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Model Of Formation Of Digital Competence On The Basis Of Pedagogical Proceedings At The Present Stage Of Development Of Digitalization Of Society


Valentyna Lytvyn, Olena Khlystun, Nataliia Prykhodkina, Iryna Poluboiaryna, Maryna Bevz, Oleh Kopeliuk


Vol. 21  No. 8  pp. 219-223


The article discusses the pedagogical support for the formation of ICT competence assumes the individualization of students' training, due to their personal and professional needs and interests, and the provision of the necessary conditions and means to implement this process. A theoretical analysis is carried out and an analysis of experimental work on the implementation of the developed model for the formation of ICT competence is generalized specialists on the basis of pedagogical support.


information technology, communication technologies, education system, educational process, ICT competence.