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Problems of Applying Information Technologies in Public Governance
Valentyna Goshovska, Lydiia Danylenko, Andrii Hachkov, Sergii Paladiiichuk, Volodymyr Dzeha
Citation |
Vol. 21 No. 8 pp. 71-78
he relevance of research provides the necessity to identify the basic problems in the public governance sphere and information technology relations, forasmuch as understanding such interconnections can indicate the consequences of the development and spreading information technologies. The purpose of the research is to outline the issues of applying information technologies in public governance sphere. 500 civil servants took part in the survey (Ukraine). A two-stage study was conducted in order to obtain practical results of the research. The first stage involved collecting and analyzing the responses of civil servants on the Mentimeter online platform. In the second stage, the administrator used the SWOT-analysis system. The tendencies in using information technologies have been determined as follows: the institutional support development; creation of analytical portals for ensuring public control; level of accountability, transparency, activity of civil servants; implementation of e-government projects; changing the philosophy of electronic services development. Considering the threats and risks to the public governance system in the context of applying information technologies, the following aspects generated by societal requirements have been identified, namely: creation of the digital bureaucracy system; preservation of information and digital inequality; insufficient level of knowledge and skills in the field of digital technologies, reducing the publicity of the state and municipal governance system. Weaknesses of modern public governance in the context of IT implementation have been highlighted, namely: ¡°digitization for digitalization¡±; lack of necessary legal regulation; inefficiency of electronic document management (issues caused by the imperfection of the interface of reporting interactive forms, frequent changes in the composition of indicators in reporting forms, the desire of higher authorities to solve the problem of their introduction); lack of data analysis infrastructure (due to imperfections in the organization of interaction between departments and poor capacity of information resources; lack of analytical databases), lack of necessary digital competencies for civil servants. Based on the results of SWOT-analysis, the strengths have been identified as follows: (possibility of continuous communication; constant self-learning); weaknesses (age restrictions for civil servants; insufficient acquisition of knowledge); threats (system errors in the provision of services through automation); opportunities for the introduction of IT in the public governance system (broad global trends; facilitation of the document management system). The practical significance of the research lies in providing recommendations for eliminating the problems of IT implementation in the public governance sphere outlined by civil servants.
Information Technology (IT), Public Governance, Problems of Applying IT, Managers, Administration Process