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Application Of Probability Filter For Maintenance Of Air Objects


Stanislav Piskunov, Maksym Iasechko, leksandr Yukhno, Nadiia Polstiana, Yurii Gnusov, Kyrylo Bashynskyi, Anton Kozyr


Vol. 21  No. 5  pp. 31-34


The article considers the possibilities of increasing the accuracy of estimates of the parameters of the trajectory of the target with the provision of a given probability of stable support of the air object, in particular, during its maneuver. The aim of the work is to develop a filtration algorithm that provides a given probability of stable tracking of the air object by determining the regular components of filtration errors, in particular, when maneuvering the air object, and their compensation with appropriate correction of filter parameters and estimates of air object trajectory parameters.


Kalman filter, air object tracking, filtering errors, air object.



Application Of Probability Filter For Maintenance Of Air Objects


Stanislav Piskunov, Maksym Iasechko, leksandr Yukhno, Nadiia Polstiana, Yurii Gnusov, Kyrylo Bashynskyi, Anton Kozyr


Vol. 21  No. 5  pp. 31-34


The article considers the possibilities of increasing the accuracy of estimates of the parameters of the trajectory of the target with the provision of a given probability of stable support of the air object, in particular, during its maneuver. The aim of the work is to develop a filtration algorithm that provides a given probability of stable tracking of the air object by determining the regular components of filtration errors, in particular, when maneuvering the air object, and their compensation with appropriate correction of filter parameters and estimates of air object trajectory parameters.


Kalman filter, air object tracking, filtering errors, air object.