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Published Papers Search Service
Medical Image Segmentation: A Comparison Between Unsupervised Clustering and Region Growing Technique for TRUS and MR Prostate Images
Kiran Ingale, Pratibha Shingare, and Mangal Mahajan
Citation |
Vol. 21 No. 5 pp. 1-8
Prostate cancer is one of the most diagnosed malignancies found across the world today. American cancer society in recent research predicted that over 174,600 new prostate cancer cases found and nearly 31,620 death cases recorded. Researchers are developing modest and accurate methodologies to detect and diagnose prostate cancer. Recent work has been done in radiology to detect prostate tumors using ultrasound imaging and resonance imaging techniques. Transrectal ultrasound and Magnetic resonance images of the prostate gland help in the detection of cancer in the prostate gland. The proposed paper is based on comparison and analysis between two novel image segmentation approaches. Seed region growing and cluster based image segmentation is used to extract the region from trans-rectal ultrasound prostate and MR prostate images. The region of extraction represents the abnormality area that presents in men¡¯s prostate gland. Detection of such abnormalities in the prostate gland helps in the identification and treatment of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer, Region Growing, Seeding, Prostate gland, Clustering, Image segmentation
Medical Image Segmentation: A Comparison Between Unsupervised Clustering and Region Growing Technique for TRUS and MR Prostate Images
Kiran Ingale, Pratibha Shingare, and Mangal Mahajan
Citation |
Vol. 21 No. 5 pp. 1-8
Prostate cancer is one of the most diagnosed malignancies found across the world today. American cancer society in recent research predicted that over 174,600 new prostate cancer cases found and nearly 31,620 death cases recorded. Researchers are developing modest and accurate methodologies to detect and diagnose prostate cancer. Recent work has been done in radiology to detect prostate tumors using ultrasound imaging and resonance imaging techniques. Transrectal ultrasound and Magnetic resonance images of the prostate gland help in the detection of cancer in the prostate gland. The proposed paper is based on comparison and analysis between two novel image segmentation approaches. Seed region growing and cluster based image segmentation is used to extract the region from trans-rectal ultrasound prostate and MR prostate images. The region of extraction represents the abnormality area that presents in men¡¯s prostate gland. Detection of such abnormalities in the prostate gland helps in the identification and treatment of prostate cancer
Prostate cancer, Region Growing, Seeding, Prostate gland, Clustering, Image segmentation
