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A New Model to Enhance Efficiency in Distributed Data Mining Using Mobile Agent
Saeed Ngmaldin Bardab., Tarig Mohamed Ahmed
Citation |
Vol. 21 No. 3 pp. 275-286
As a result of the vast amount of data that is geographically found in different locations. Distributed data mining (DDM) has taken a center stage in data mining. The use of mobile agents to enhance efficiency in DDM has gained the attention of industries, commerce and academia because it offers serious suggestions on how to solve inherent problems associated with DDM. In this paper, a novel DDM model has been proposed by using a mobile agent to enhance efficiency. The main idea behind the model is to use the Naive Bayes algorithm to give the mobile agent the ability to learn, compare, get and store the results on it from each server which has different datasets and we found that the accuracy increased roughly by 0.9% which is our main target.
Distributed data mining, Mobile Agent System.