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Fuzzy Based Multi-Hop Broadcasting in High-Mobility VANETs


S. Karimulla Basha1¢Ó and T. N. Shankar


Vol. 21  No. 3  pp. 165-171


Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is an extension paradigm of moving vehicles to communicate with wireless transmission devices within a certain geographical limit without any fixed infrastructure. The vehicles have most important participation in this model is usually positioned quite dimly within the certain radio range. Fuzzy based multi-hop broadcast protocol is better than conventional message dissemination techniques in high-mobility VANETs, is proposed in this research work. Generally, in a transmission range the existing number of nodes is obstacle for rebroadcasting that can be improved by reducing number of intermediate forwarding points. The proposed protocol stresses on transmission of emergency message projection by utilization subset of surrounding nodes with consideration of three metrics: inter-vehicle distance, node density and signal strength. The proposed protocol is fuzzy MHB. The method assessment is accomplished in OMNeT++, SUMO and MATLAB environment to prove the efficiency of it.


Forwarding nodes; Fuzzy logic; Multi-hop broadcast; Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs).