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Telemedicine Software Application


Ovidiu Costic? UNGUREANU, Marius-Constantin POPESCU, Daniela CIOBANU, Elena UNGUREANU, C?lin Gabriel SARLA, Alina-Elena CIOBANU, Paul TODINCA


Vol. 21  No. 2  pp. 171-180


Currently, hospitals and medical practices have a large amount of unstructured information, gathered in time at each ward or practice by physicians in a wide range of medical branches. The data requires processing in order to be able to extract relevant information, which can be used to improve the medical system. It is useful for a physician to have access to a patient's entire medical history when he or she is in an emergency situation, as relevant information can be found about the patient's problems such as: allergies to various medications, personal history, or hereditary collateral conditions etc. If the information exists in a structured form, the detection of diseases based on specific symptoms is much easier, faster and with a higher degree of accuracy. Thus, physicians may investigate certain pathological profiles and conduct cohort clinical trials, including comparing the profile of a particular patient with other similar profiles that already have a confirmed diagnosis. Involving information technology in this field will change so the time which the physicians should spend in front of the computer into a much more beneficial one, providing them with the possibility for more interaction with the patient while listening to the patient¡¯s needs. The expert system, described in the paper, is an application for medical diagnostic of the most frequently met conditions, based on logical programming and on the theory of probabilities. The system rationale is a search item in the field basic knowledge on the condition. The web application described in the paper is implemented for the ward of pathological anatomy of a hospital in Romania. It aims to ease the healthcare staff¡¯s work, to create a connection of communication at one click between the necessary wards and to reduce the time lost with bureaucratic proceedings. The software (made in PHP programming language, by writing directly in the source code) is developed in order to ease the healthcare staff¡¯s activity, being created in a simpler and as elegant way as possible.


Expert system; database; algorithms; statistics; efficiency; flexibility.