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Information Technologies In Teaching: The Basis Of Students' Knowledge


Nataliia Morska, Olena Fedorenko, Olha Davydova, Vitaly Andreev, Galina Bohatyryova, Nataliia Shcherbakova


Vol. 21  No. 2  pp. 44-53


The paper proposes to consider information technologies and their application in the educational process as a preparation of presentation material for students of higher educational institutions. The definition and place of information technologies in the educational space are considered. The object of research of this work is the pedagogical technology of presentation of educational information, which substantiates the pedagogical technology of visualization of educational information in higher education, as well as determine its composition and structure. The practical side of pedagogical technology of educational information presentation is considered.


Information Technologies, Science Preparation, Higher Education Institution Training, Principle of Clarity, Discipline, Pedagogy