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Published Papers Search Service
Analysis of (IaaS) Cloud computing Security issues concerning websites, Moodle eLMS as an example
Azza Yousif Elmaghrabi and Maria Altaib Badawi
Citation |
Vol. 20 No. 11 pp. 1-8
The aim of this study is to analyze (IaaS) cloud computing websites security, this was handled by providing a detailed analysis of websites security, focusing on the problems associated with the users loggings for Moodle eLMS as an example. In order to maintain a reasonable security level of Moodle website We designed and implement a suitable model containing procedural steps which should be followed when installing and using Moodle, and also selecting some security supporting plugin tools that should be integrated to it and moreover specifying the important instructions which should be followed by Moodle admins. The proposed model was implemented and examined in a real environment.
IaaS Cloud computing (Infrastructure as a service), Moodle (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), eLMS (Electronic Learning Management Systems), SEB (Safe exam browser).