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Security Issues in Decentralized Internet Blockchain and Secure Energy Trading


Abdullah Bajahzar


Vol. 20  No. 9  pp. 1-8


Blockchain innovation has always pointed out hopeful prospects and interesting applications. The innovation has effectively supplanted economic transaction frameworks in different associations and can possibly patch up heterogeneous plans of action in various ventures. Despite the fact that there are a few investigations related to the protection and security issues of the blockchain, no accurate examination on the blockchain security frameworks are available. In this paper, we direct a precise report on the dangers of security to blockchain and study the comparing genuine assaults by looking at well-known blockchain frameworks. We additionally survey the security upgrade answers for blockchain, which could be utilized in the advancement of different blockchain frameworks, and recommend more ideas to motivate doing research inquire about attempts into this zone. An ideal valuing methodology employing Stackelberg game for credit-based advances is likewise suggested. Security investigation and numerical outcomes dependent on a genuine dataset delineate that the suggested energy blockchain and credit-based installment plot are secure and proficient in IIoT


Decentralized Internet, Blockchain, Security, Cryptocurrency