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Panic Trigger Mobile Application for Smart Rescue System


Muhammad Javed and Xudong Luo Nasrallah Pirzada Muhammad Aamir Panhwar and Kamran Ali Memon


Vol. 20  No. 7  pp. 31-38


In today's world, the excessive number of vehicles on the roads and weak navigation mechanisms cause a rapid increase in the accidents and mortality ratio across the world. In case of an accident, the first thing is to provide the first aid by any source. To save a life, the first step is to call the help-line of the concerned agency and ask for help. In most of the cases, the person affected or injured by accident is unable to answer the questions of the help-line, and very often, the affected person does do not know about the exact location of mishap. In this study, we introduce an intelligence-based smart rescue system by installing voice input in the order. The basic principle of this mobile application is to use the concept of artificial intelligence and speech recognition. The advanced smart panic trigger, the affected person, can press the panic trigger and speak. The intelligence to the emergency help-line. This smart application, we can use the concept of A.I, law, and, STT-Google cloud services system in the app will have efficient efficiency to recognize the voice of the injured person, can automatically convert the sound into text form, and can detect the real-time location of mishap. Subsequently, the collected information in the text form sends a message for speech-recognition, location-coordinates, self-positioning, real-time location-tracker, SMS transmission.


Panic trigger, artificial intelligence, voice recognition, STT, real-time location, SMS transmission.