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Investigation of the different Influences of Software Usability Quality Evaluation for Systems at Umm Al-Qura University


Abdullah A H Alzahrani


Vol. 20  No. 4  pp. 75-83


Building software systems with quality in mind has been a focus for software engineering community over the past years. Therefore, many have introduced their approaches and tools to develop software systems with quality attributes [1]. One of these quality attributes of software systems is usability. In order to measure this quality attribute, approaches such SUS, SUMI, and other approaches have been introduced. This paper aims to employ SUS and other usability evaluation approaches in order to evaluate 4 software systems of Umm Al Qura University (UQU) and to investigate factors that might influence the results of such approaches. Three factors have been considered in the investigation namely gender, training, and pervious experience with similar software systems. The main findings show a noticeable influence of the factors on usability evaluation of the 4 systems of UQU. It was found that Females evaluates usability of the systems more positively. Similarly, evaluators with no previous experience with similar software systems tends to evaluate usability of the systems more positively.


software engineering, software quality attributes, SUS, usability evaluations.