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Advanced Security Surveillance Mechanism for Small Scale Apartments
S.Aruna Deepthi,E.Sreenivasa Rao, M.N.Giri Prasad
Citation |
Vol. 20 No. 3 pp. 68-76
An efficient way of storing and transmitting the data is necessary for applications where there is a subsequent necessity of large-scale storage and transmission of data in security or surveillance systems.. But small-scale households cannot afford highly scalable and good protection devices. So, we proposed a security surveillance mechanism implemented with raspberry pi, which is a low cost and low powered minicomputer. To find the suitable compression algorithm, we evaluated the five compression algorithms. For Autoencoders and RBM, we have relied on artificial neural networks trained with the COCO dataset for compressing the images. For NMF, LSNMF and PNMF, we have used the NIMFA library to do the factorization.. The compressed images are transmitted through various Raspberry Pi nodes via MQTT protocol standard. In our experimental setup, we have formed a WSN using three Raspberry Pi devices, where each one has a specific responsibility, a publisher that transmits the images, a subscriber that receives the transmitted images, and a broker that handles the communication between the publisher and the subscriber. The main idea of this paper is to effectively determine the performance of the MQTT based WSN in processing the images. The images are compressed using different image compression techniques, their compression efficiency, and the transmission quality are evaluated.