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Towards Development of a Blockchain Based Healthcare Management System in Pakistan
Muhammad Ehsan, Shabbar Naqvi, Aamir Zeb Shaikh, Syeda Hafsa, Muhammad Younus
Citation |
Vol. 20 No. 1 pp. 212-217
In developing countries like Pakistan, generally healthcare sector faces a lot of challenges. Because of unavailability of a systematic mechanism stakeholders involved are not integrated into a single system for effectiveness. In this work, we have shown the potential of creating a Blockhchain based system for better healthcare management in Pakistan. It is an emerging technology with diversified applications. A literature review has been done regarding healthcare management using Blockchain technology in general in addition to general review of the current situation of healthcare sector in Pakistan. Based on this, a discussion has been provided as guideline for development of Blockchain based system for Pakistan. Stakeholders necessary for development of such system have been identified. Advantages and areas to address have also been highlighted. Future directions helping in development of such system are also part of the paper.
Blockchain, healthcare, patient, Pakistan