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Wireless Body Area Networks: Architecture, Standards, Challenges, and Applications


Muhammad Aamir Panhwar , Samiullah Jatoi Kamran Ali Memon , Salahuddin Saddar Muhammad Owais Raza Deng ZhongLiang , Noor-ul-Ain , Saleemullah Memon


Vol. 19  No. 12  pp. 173-178


The increase in the use of wireless networks and pervasive computing have given rise to research on Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). WBAN is a collection of sensors in, on, or around the human body, which is connected through a wireless network. This WBAN has many applications ranging from healthcare to human-computer interaction. Here in this article, we present a review of the past fifteen years to discuss various aspects of WBANs such as WBAN enabling technologies, architecture, and topology, design challenges, energy harvesting techniques, security and finally the applications.


WBAN, healthcare, human-computer interaction, human body, wireless network