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The impact of Infographics on Language Learning


Dr. Tamer Ibrahim and Dr. Ameerchund Maharaj


Vol. 19  No. 12  pp. 47-60


The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness, or otherwise, of vector infographics on ESL students¡¯ acquisition of grammar, especially the use of tenses. After questioning college teachers about their teaching environment and main challenges, eight infographic designs were created to assist in the teaching of the simple present and simple past tenses. These designs were presented to 20 undergraduates. Mixed research methodologies including questionnaires were applied. Data were analyzed using (t-test) and refined by Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test using IBM SPSS statistics. The significance of pre and post exam¡¯s results showed that p =0.028 (t-test) and 0.027 (Wilcoxon) < 0.05. This means that H0 is rejected and the applied infographics, as a cognitive education tool, improves student learning outcomes.


ESL infographics higher education Middle East graphic design.