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Design and Implementation of RSSI Based Intrusion Detection System for RPL based IoT Network
Mrs. Snehal Deshmukh-Bhosale and Dr. S. S. Sonavane
Citation |
Vol. 19 No. 12 pp. 19-28
Internet of Things (IoT) is formed by connecting many heterogeneous smart devices through the internet using IPv6 Low Power Wireless Protocol for Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN) and Routing Protocol for LoW Power and Lossy Network (RPL) protocol explicitly designed for the IoT network. IoT is a constrained network in terms of battery life, processing power, memory capacity, cost, size, etc. Because of which, it invites many security attacks that affect the performance of the IoT network. A lot of research is going on concerning the security improvement in IoT. Wormhole attack is one of the most severe attacks, which adds a delay in the transmission of packets by involving many legitimate nodes unnecessarily and degrades their battery life. The proposed study introduces a novel intrusion detection system that uses Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from a range-based type of localization and hop count from a range-free type of localization system to detect the attack as well as the attacker nodes in IoT based network. The proposed algorithm is designed and developed using Contiki OS and Cooja simulator that forms energy efficient Intrusion Detection System (IDS). In addition to minimum energy consumption and transmission delay, the simulation results of the proposed system demonstrate a precise false positive detection rate.
IoT, Security, Wormhole Attack, 6LoWPAN, RPL, RSSI, IDS.