Economics, social norms, lack of confidence can be a hurdle for people to learn activities that require some degree of perfection to execute, e.g., praying in case of Muslims, dancing, fitness exercises. Religious, cultural, and social activities are strictly practiced in some communities. The recent technological advancements are playing an essential role as teaching and training as known as computer-aided learning tools that help users learning using oral pronunciation, image, and video recognition. Most of the systems provide only a passive learning experience, and no feedback makes them less efficient learning tools. In this paper, the authors propose a system that uses techniques from pattern matching and image processing for content matching integrated with knowledge-based systems to handle the variations in the activities. The primary purpose of this paper to tell the user about those rules that are necessary to follow in that place where the complex sequence of action could be performed. If these rules are not following, then all activities could be performed again, and it could be considered as wrong. For the testing of the system, also for checking the validation off the system, authors take the data information about the prayer movements for Muslims, yoga, and classical dance.
image processing, video content similarity, sift features, knowledgebase system, and pattern matching