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Importance of Skills Trainings for the Vulnerable Physical Disability: A case of Financial and Economic Life
Sajid H. Mirani, Mansoor A. Soomro, Farhan A.Soomro, Nazar H.Phulpoto, Shoukat A. Mahar, Zuhaibuddin
Citation |
Vol. 19 No. 10 pp. 189-195
This study is to find out whether skill training is an essential tool for integrating people with disabilities into society and whether they make them effective members of the community. The research project where we visited 40 different training center¡¯s that was deliberately selected. They included individuals with physical disabilities, with poor eyesight, handicapped, and hearing impaired. They include a population of 200 participants who have received special skill training education, 60 respondents were selected randomly by taking the sample for data without skills training. Data was analyzed through Statistical Package of Social Science SPSS 25.0 and use techniques for analyze statistical data Non-parametric tests, ANOVA, Reliability and correlation. The findings show that skill training programs are not for all the employment needs of graduates, but some of the graduates have benefited from the training. The results show that the need to reorganize skill training programs in Sindh to all student work requirements. Findings of research show that there is a limited trade choice and skill training centers do not have a standard curriculum. The acquired skills do not help graduates to find a job. This implies that they are not in line with labor market requirements.
Employment, Physical & Skill Trainings & Person with Disabilities