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A New Steganography Method for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Images Based on an Improved LSB Algorithm


Badr Almutairi


Vol. 19  No. 10  pp. 99-104


Steganography is the art of hiding secret data, which is used to hide a secret message in various types of files, including text files, digital images files, audio files, and video files. Although there are several methods designed for image steganography, they still need to be further improved to overcome their shortcomings. Therefore, this research will design A New Steganography Method for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Images based on an Improved LSB Algorithm. The method embeds and extracts a secret message based on two layers Hardening Layer and Embed/Extract Layer. Besides, this research will develop a new software tool based on our designed method. The tool should be more comprehensive utility to provide desired functions with an interactive graphical user interface and to integrate navigation capabilities. The significant of this developed tool will help users to perform data hiding more efficiently and quickly with a high-quality degree. Finally, the method is evaluated based on experiments and analysis of corresponding experimental results. The research calculated the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) in the decibel (dB) unit. The obtained results are compared to the previous related works to prove the significance of our research.


Steganography Vector Graphics LSB Algorithm Scalable Vector Graphics Signal-to-Noise.