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Management Policies for the Prevention Technique of Social Engineering (SoE) Attacks in the Organization


Nik Zulkarnaen Khidzir, Shekh Abdullah-Al-Musa Ahmed and Tan Tse Guan


Vol. 19  No. 10  pp. 78-82


Information security in an organization will continue to face SoE attacking threat given the global paradigm in today¡¯s digital economy. It is the responsibility of management to address the security issues by forming appropriate security policy for the prevention technique of SoE attacks in the organization. The matter of security implementation is complex and all stakeholders must be involved to understand and commit to the hierarchical relationship of the organization¡¯s business objectives to its security policies down to procedures. Standards and guidelines must also be considered for their in security policy for the prevention technique of SoE attacks.


SoE information security policies risk management security policies .