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An Empirical Study of Nomophobia Behavior of Saudi Learners


Abdulmohsin Suli man Alkhunaizan


Vol. 19  No. 10  pp. 20-25


Smartphones are increasingly used in the daily lives of human beings because of their dynamic features, and prompt mode of communication around the clock. The excessive use of smartphone applications leads to its addiction. Particularly, this addiction develops the symptoms of psychological addiction, positive and negative emotions, stress, anxiety, depression and poor performance in academic activities. The most dominant behavior among all is the nomophobia behavior. The aim of present study is to determine the adults¡¯ mobile phone usage, nomophobia levels and to examine the associated elements to the nomophobia behavior. The study adopted a rational survey method. A total number of 285 students were engaged in the survey. The data was gathered by a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was employed to analyze the data. The results of the data analysis showed that a considerable relation was appeared between the daily usage of social media addiction through smartphone and nomophobia.


Smartphones Smartphones addictions Nomophobia Social media usage.