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A Fuzzy Inferencing System for Highlighting the Complexities Involved in Electronic Surveys with Emotions


Mumtaz Ahmed, Shabbar Naqvi, Irfan Ali, Salah Uddin, Aamir Zeb Shaikh


Vol. 19  No. 10  pp. 6-14


There is a need to consider complexity involving surveys with emotions where emotions can substantially affect the outcome of the survey. Fuzzy logic is a well-known tool used to develop system involving uncertainties and ambiguities. This research work deals with application of fuzzy logic in electronic surveys while considering emotions of the surveyor as well for Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs). In this work, a Fuzzy Inferencing System (FIS) based framework has been developed which combines the Electronic survey complexity with emotions. For this purpose, a previously developed E-Survey application has been used to conduct a survey using emotion detection system. It is followed by two cascaded FIS, which have been developed to highlight the complexities involved in performing electronic surveys while having different emotions. The results have shown that the proposed framework is able to report the significance of emotions while conducting surveys. Results also show difference between survey done without considering emotions and with emotions. Statistical tools have been used to interpret the results.


Fuzzy Logic, E-Survey, FIS, Emotions, HEIs.