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Adding Analog-like Reality to Drawing Software with Work Sound Effects


Yulana Watanabe, and Takayuki Fujimoto


Vol. 19  No. 9  pp. 132-138


In recent years, drawing software has achieved remarkable progress. It has been developed to be used for various purposes, from simple one that anyone can use, to one that enables specialized works. However, while convenience and complexity are enhanced, and the use of dedicated devices increases the types of the drawing functions, there are few software packages that provides realistic user experience as if users draw in real life. Regarding software that provides representation close to analog expression, the emphasis is on the reproducibility of the finished work. There is nothing that focuses on the process user is working on or the real feeling he or she gets when working in analog. In this research, we focus on the ¡°real feel of drawing¡± that we naturally enjoy when working in analog and propose the drawing software that can provide ¡°real feel of drawing. ¡°In this paper, we particularly focus on ¡°sounds¡± among the factors to get a sense of reality. Depending on what is used for drawing material and the base material, the generated sound differs, and the ¡°real feel of drawing¡± changes accordingly. We propose the drawing software incorporated such analog features into digital because we assume that it is possible to improve work efficiency by increasing the users¡¯ attachment to software.


Analog, Digital, Drawing, Sound, Real feelings