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Facilitating Pilgrims using Android Mobile Application (Haram Map)


El-Sayed Atlam, Elsaid Md. Abdelrahim, Ghada Elmarhomy, Hassan Hashim and Zohair S.Malki


Vol. 19  No. 9  pp. 113-120


Development and implementing of Haram Map application to be used at Hajj season would facilitate the location for visitor of Haram. The systems would also allow assist in achieving the highest degree of pilgrim¡¯s safety at Hajj season. In this paper, the application and research has been performed in order to provide facilities and comfort to the visitors of Masjed Al Nabawi. The fundamental point of the application advancement was to give directing offices to guests visiting Madinah from everywhere throughout the world just as Madinah inhabitants. The application created is an android versatile application that can be downloaded by the guests to get the administrations. It enables the clients to get a guide for better places. It gives directions to guests about the fundamental zones that can be visited for their needs around the Al-Masjed Al-Nabawi. It gives data about the most generally mentioned administrations, for example, plan visits for Al Rawda Al Sharifa at Masjed Al Nabawi. Also, it provides information about the most commonly places and lectures in the Masjed Al Nabawi such as schedule visits for Al Rawda Al Sharifa, lectures from the Quran and some common lectures of Fiqh at the Masjed Al Nabawi. Furthermorethe application additionally furnishes help to its client with valuable data about doors of the Masjed Al Nabawi. One of the noticeable highlights is that clients can include tourist spots on the off chance that it was not found in the application. The application depends on GPS innovation and performs different various activities as offices for clients and increasingly agreeable for them


Al Masjed AlNabawi App GPS within Al Masjed AlNabawi area Rawda Times.