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Stability Analysis and Optimization of Simulated Annealing (SA) Algorithm Based PID Controller for DC-DC SEPIC Converter
Mirza Muntasir Nishat, Fahim Faisal and Md Ashraful Hoque
Citation |
Vol. 19 No. 9 pp. 1-8
This paper presents an investigative study on closed loop stability of SEPIC (Single-Ended Primary Inductor Converter) converter. Simulated Annealing algorithm based optimization technique is deployed to design an optimized controller for the SEPIC converter. Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm is an algorithm based on the principles of thermodynamics where the analogy of cooling of metal and freezing into a minimum energy level is utilized and is widely used as an optimization technique in power electronics. State Space Average method is employed to model and obtain the transfer function of the converter based system. Hence, SA based PID controller is designed so that the stability of the converter can be evaluated and compared with conventional PID controller. Different performance parameters like percentage of overshoot, rise time, settling time and peak amplitude are taken into account to investigate the stability of the system by two fitness functions (IAE and ISE). MATLAB is used in order to carry out the simulations and hence, a comparative study is reported where the performances are evaluated.
Simulated Annealing Algorithm, PID Controller, SEPIC Converter, proportional-integral-derivative gains