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The Effect of Innovative Organizational Climate on Project Success: Mediating Role of Innovative Work Behavior
Ambreen Sarwar Nazar H.Phulpoto Raza M. Pahore Sohail A. Memon Zafar-uz. Anjum Zuhaibuddin Bhutto Omer Z
Citation |
Vol. 19 No. 8 pp. 105-114
Scholars unanimously agree to the fact that innovation is a vital component for gaining a sustainable competitive advantage in the market, yet not many researchers have investigated its link to project success. Especially, insufficient considerations have been given to illuminate how firms comprehend the significance of initiating innovative work settings. With theoretical underpinnings in the organizational climate theory, the current research studied innovative work behavior as a mediator, in the association between innovative organizational climate and project success. Our results, yielded from a sample of 425 employees operating at executive, middle as well as senior levels in Paint Manufacturing Organizations of Pakistan, utilizing survey technique, showed that innovative work behavior acts as a mediator between innovative organizational climate and project success. Based on the findings, implications are discussed. The paper concludes with the acknowledgement of limitations and future research prospects.
Innovative organizational climate, Innovative work behavior, Project success, Organizational climate theory, Paint industry, Pakistan