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Development of an E-Survey Application to deal with Complexities Involved in Electronic Surveys with Emotions in Higher Education Institutes


Mumtaz Ahmed¢Ó, Shabbar Naqvi¢Ó, Irfan Ali¢Ó¢Ó, Jalal Shah¢Ó and Ali Raza¢Ó


Vol. 19  No. 8  pp. 78-81


Electronic surveys nowadays play an important role for data collection as they are cost-effective and convenient. In Academic organization and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), these surveys are considered a popular tool for the collection of information or feedback from students. The results of such surveys are used for key decision making as well. However, while conducting surveys emotions are generally not considered. This may lead to ineffective or biased results. In this paper, we have developed an E-Survey application which integrates Electronic Surveys with emotions and provides valuable data for further analysis. Standard data set from a leading Engineering University has been obtained. Results have been analysed using standard statistical methods. It has been shown that there is wide scope for using this E-survey application for development of frame works do deal with complexities of this kind of data.


E-survey, Likert scale, Emotions, Affectiva.