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Reasoning and Representation of Legal Cases Through Ontology
Wajid Ahmed Channa, Qamar Uddin Khand, Sajid Ahmed Ghanghro, Abdul Moiz Ghanghro
Citation |
Vol. 19 No. 8 pp. 24-30
The proposed study is based upon two interchanging concepts, initially to perform case based reasoning with regard to decide matters by relating them with the earlier decisions made in the same area of domain and to explore the idea behind easiness of representation of legal cases, by means of their interpretation in a suggested ontological interface, so also to formulate computational strategies. Whereabouts, the research study is designed for judicial system and to be populated as well as implemented in the said domain, whereas, the sample of practices is taken from judicial district Sukkur. During data collection, it was found that matters (i.e. cases) are main factors of a judicial system. The implementation of proposed study starts from fetching the idea of manual processes adopted by the system, later on going through the identified problems along with their suggested solutions, after that sketching and populating designed fully ontological operational interface.
Court Ontology, Perceived Data, Reasoning, Pattern Matching, Judiciary,