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A Lightweight Software Defined Network for Resilient Real-time Internet of Things


Adel A. Ahmed


Vol. 19  No. 8  pp. 1-7


A real-time Internet of thing (RT-IoT) is the most emerging technology in which the processes, objects, machinery, and workers are monitored in order to have a real-time knowledge about the environmental event area. This eventually leads to achieve an efficient data collection, management, and decision-making at a very high speed and very low latency. However, traditional IoT does not support dynamic management and adaptive traffic control which are the crucial challenges of real-time IoT network. Software De?ned Networking (SDN) came as a solution that separates the control plane from the data plane. Nevertheless, a resource constrained IoT device faces considerable challenges when a centralized SDN is implemented on IoT network. This is primarily due to IoT based on a centralized SDN causes jitter delay and higher overhead which can severely affect the performance of IoT traf?c. This paper proposes a lightweight software defined network (LSDN) for a resilient real-time IoT (RT-IoT) based on optimization of control functions and reducing the duty cycle of the control plane. The proposed LSDN proposes an optimal SDN architecture and virtualization functions that preserve the resilient real-time and reduce the control overhead to practical levels. The finding in the experimental results shows that the developed LSDN outperforms the centralized SDN on RT-IoT. More importantly, the performance evaluation of LSDN guarantees an optimal QoS measurements in terms of control overhead, latency, and delivery ratio on RT-IoT.
