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Graph-Logic Models of Hierarchical Fault-Tolerant Multiprocessor Systems
Alexei M. Romankevich, Kostiantyn V. Morozov, Vitaliy A. Romankevich
Citation |
Vol. 19 No. 7 pp. 151-156
The work discusses the further development of graph-logic models (GL-models), which reflect the behavior of fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems (FTMS) in the component failover stream. The main attention is paid to the method of combining GL-models of different FTMSs into a single model. Constructing approach is proposed for graph-logic models of hierarchical failover multiprocessor systems consisting of several subsystems. Primarily, it concerns systems for managing complex objects, where the principle of partitioning a complex task of management into a set of simpler ones is often used. The approach is to construct individual models for each of the subsystems and combine them into a single model, also possessing a hierarchical property. Each of these submodels can be constructed by any convenient method. One of the advantages of this approach is the relative model transformation simplicity in case of individual subsystems modification. Such FTMSs are called k-out-of-n systems.
fault-tolerant multiprocessor systems, graph-logic GL model models, reliability calculation