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Fractal Analysis of Light Scattering Data from Gravity-Driven Granular Flows


Ram Chand, Saeeduddin, Murad Ali Khaskheli, Abdul Majid Soomro, Hussain Saleem, Waseem Ahmed Bhutto, Altaf H. Nizamani, Muhammad Yousuf Soomro, Nek Muhammad Shaikh, Sithi V. Muniandy


Vol. 19  No. 7  pp. 83-89


Fractal analysis is useful for studying complex fluctuation phenomena that exhibit scaling behavior. In this work, fractal analysis is used to characterize transient dynamics of gravity-driven surface granular flow down inclined plane. Intensity fluctuation of light scattered from granular flow is modelled by multifractional Brownian motion with time-varying Hurst exponent. Temporal variations in the Hurst exponents over the time-development of flow are analyzed for different particle sizes and opening sizes of the hopper.


Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Fractal analysis, Granular flow, Multifractional Brownian Motion (MBM)