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An Interactive VR Game Development for Improving the Learnability of the Teenage Groups


Maha Anwar, M. Sheraz Arshad Malik and M. Waleed Ashraf


Vol. 19  No. 6  pp. 116-122


Existing usability challenges for Virtual Reality (VR) applications minimizes the learning capabilities for users. There are different applications of VR that helps in education includes: In Mind VR 2, Titans of Space, Discovery VR, anatomy, Ninja, VR Lessons by Thing Link, King Tut VR, VR Roller Coaster and Tilt Brush. Different issues in these applications are: usability difficulties, learner differences, learning and teaching issues etc. The combination of Virtual Reality along with the education can remove the usability difficulties in teenage learning groups. The present research undertakes a survey to find out the response of different students about the game ¡°PUBG¡± and the proposed prototype. In future, this technique can be used to find out different issues in VR learning and this prototype can be helpful as well.


Virtual Reality, Usability challenges in VR learning, Importance of Virtual Reality.