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LEACH Robust Routing Approach Applying Machine Learning


Babar Ali, Tariq Mahmood, Muhammad Abbas, Muzamil, Hussain,Habeeb Ullah, Anupam Sarker, Asad Khan


Vol. 19  No. 6  pp. 18-26


Wireless Sensors Network (WSNs) comprised of significant numbers of miniatures and reasonable sensor nodes which sense data from environment that require multi-hop and direct communication to send aggregated data towards the base station through cluster-head-node supported by appropriated routing scheme. The random choice of cluster-head-node (CHN) in WSNs is based on node residing energy. The node residing energy and network sustainability are the hot challenges in WSNs routing. There are many deficiencies in LEACH-RP (Routing Protocol) due to the rapid energy consumption of ordinary and cluster-head-nodes because of direct communication towards the base station. The quick draining of node energy creates large number of the black holes in the network core causing data redundancy, re-transmission of data packet, route update cost and E2E delay. The LEACH-RP faces the issues of data redundancy caused by a single sensor node in a short time and adjacent sensor nodes at the same time. In the proposed approach, the mean method and the minimum distance (MD) method based on LEACH-RP is implemented to solve the issues of data redundancy. A data fusion algorithm (DF) based on Cyclic Neural Networks(CNN) is implemented on LEACH RP. The simulation results indicate that the mean method & minimum distance method can effectively resolve the issues of data redundancy caused by a single sensor node in a short time and the data fusion algorithm of the CNN can effectively solve the problem of data redundancy generated by adjacent sensor nodes at the same time.


Multi-hop (MH), CHN, Wireless Sensing Networks (WSNs), Data Fusion Technology (DFT), LEACH RP, CNN