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An efficient model for load balancing and communication security in a Multi Agent System Middleware based on Json Web Token
Badr Eddine Sabir, Mohamed Youssfi, Omar Bouattane and Hakim Allali
Citation |
Vol. 19 No. 4 pp. 169-175
In this paper, we propose a new model based on Json Web Token (JWT) for load balancing and communication security as part of a Multi Agent System Middleware for massively distributed systems. The proposed model aims to provide better load balancing and secure communications between agents to ensure the integrity of the exchanged messages, the authentication of agents, and the no-repudiation. This architecture is based on the Stateless JWT security technology based on asymmetric cryptographic algorithm used for validation of subsequent client requests for making frequent remote calls to the target server resources. The proposed solution uses a digital signature claim to ensure the integrity of the message, the authentication of the emitter and the non-repudiation based on the asymmetric cryptographic technology. The article presents a conceptual approach based on digital trust micro-agent for better security and load balancing management.
Authentication, Digital signature, Multi-Agent Systems, Middleware, Json Web Token, Load balancing.