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Impact of Employment Status on Service Oriented OCB Intervening Roles of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Information Technology Environment


Dr. M. Imad-ud-Din Akbar, Tanzila Abdul Karim, H. Waseem Abbas, M. Fahid Saleem, Noman Moin-ud-Din, Umair Aslam


Vol. 19  No. 4  pp. 163-168


The purpose of the current research was to study the effect of employment status (ES) on service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Intervening roles of job satisfaction and organizational commitments were also investigated in relation with employment status and organizational citizenship behavior. Data was collected using a survey method. For that purpose, a questionnaire was distributed among the employees of IT sector based in Lahore. By using simple random sampling technique a set of 350 employees were selected for the study. Multiple mediating models were applied for statistical analysis by using SPSS. The outcomes of the study revealed that temporary employee status negatively relates to service oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior in I.T. environment. Furthermore, Job satisfaction and organizational commitment intervenes between the employment status and service oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Selection of contract based temporary employees from IT sector of Lahore was the limitation of the study. Generalization of findings on other occupational contexts and regions may not be exactly the same. Future research efforts should focus on obtaining a larger and more representative sample of employees from other sectors including IT. Selection of other types of employees to improve the outcomes of the current research can also be done. Findings of current research highlights the fact that organization must be attentive about the relationship between OCB and employment status. As service oriented OCB might be vigorous for logistic progress in the service sector and specially for IT firms. Administration should consider the paybacks and overheads while hiring employees on temporary status. Management may provoke the teams to present higher level of OCB while making their expectancy from the organization.


Employment status (ES), Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), Job satisfaction (JS), organizational commitment (OC) Information Technology (IT).