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Analysis of a radial distribution network and mitigating losses by strategic allocation of Distributed Generation


Shahbaz Ahmed, Mahesh Kumar, Abdul Hakeem, Zubair Ahmed Memon, Anwar Ali Sahito, Aamir Mahmood Soomro


Vol. 19  No. 3  pp. 157-161


Power system having a centralized network operation and experiences numerous drawback while communicating and transmitting power to long distance. Conventional system majorly rely on the fossil fuel sources that leave CO2 emission footprints leading to environmental pollution. In this work, analysis of voltage profile and power loss issue of IEEE 15 bus radial system is achieved. Network is modified by strategically integrating the distributed generation (DGs) to the system. For the simulation of radial network and load flow algorithm, the MATLAB platform is used. Different cases are studied and simulated to observe the voltage improvement and power loss reduction of the system.


Distributed Generation (DG), Transmission System, Power System, Distribution Network.