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On Erd?s-Straus Conjecture for 3/n


Abdul Hameed, Ali Dino Jumani, Israr Ahmed, Inayatullah Soomro, Abdul Majid, Ghulam Abbass, Abdul Naeem kalhoro


Vol. 19  No. 3  pp. 147-149


Number theory is very fascinating field of the Mathematics. It has extensive usage in our daily life. Due to this it has attracted research community since the ancient times. Egyptians were very much interested in the Number theory. In particular, they made a great contribution towards solving fraction problems. In this study we focus on A conjecture due to Paul Erdos and E.G. Straus that the Diophantine equation 4/n=1/x+1/y+1/z involving Egyptian fractions always can be solved. By using the concept of this conjecture we have found that the Erdos-Struass conjecture is also valid for 3/n=1/x+1/y+1/z.


Math, Mathematic, Egyptian fractions, Number theory