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Voice recognition system design for robotic car control


Ayesha Shafiq, Humera Tariq, Fareed Alvi and Usman Amjad


Vol. 19  No. 3  pp. 123-127


Robotic products are introduced to provide ease and convenience to human beings. Various researchers are working for designing and improving the concepts of robotic cars. In this paper we have presented a voice controlled model for robotic car. The proposed model uses MEL Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient (MFCC) and Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for voice recognition. MFCC is used for feature extraction while HMM is used to perform recognition task. Based on the recognized command the car will perform certain actions. Complete architecture of the proposed system including mobile application, recognition algorithm and hardware design. The model can be extended to various applications and may prove useful for special or handicapped people.


Hidden Markov Model, Voice recognition, Robotics.