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A Novel Reversible Watermarking Scheme based on SHA3 for Copyright Protection and Integrity of Satellite Imagery


Alavi Kunhu, Saeed Al Mansoori and Hussain Al-Ahmad


Vol. 19  No. 3  pp. 92-102


Satellite imagery is a pivotal source of valuable information for monitoring our planet along with natural resources. However, these images have an extreme acquisition cost. Nowadays, with the widespread of the advanced technology, unauthorized ordinary people can access these data, modify their content and utilize them illegally. Therefore, there is a massive demand for providing secure storage and transmission of such data. Hence, digital watermarking has been introduced for overcoming this illegitimate practice. This paper presents a novel reversible invisible watermarking scheme based on SHA3 to ensure copyright protection and the integrity of satellite imagery. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme has no perceptible impact on the quality of the watermarked image and it shows robust resistance against typical signal processing attacks. Three quality indices are utilized to assess the performance of the proposed method Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structure Similarity Index Measurement (SSIM) and Wavelet Signal to Noise Ratio (WSNR).


Reversible watermarking, Satellite images, SHA3, Hash function