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From Data Warehouse to a New Trend in Data Architectures ? Data Lake


Elisabeta Zagan and Mirela Danubianu


Vol. 19  No. 3  pp. 30-35


Data Lake is a new concept of approaching and analyzing large volumes of different types of data, emerging with the evolution of technology and the new generation that came with new requirements, multiple resources and media information. In this paper, we will present the new Data Lake concept, highlighting the latest developments in the field. We also perform a critical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages currently offered by Data Warehouses, and at the end, comparing the two concepts we argue the answer to the question if Data Lake will replace Data Warehouse in the near future. In this context, our main contribution refers to a qualitative and comparative study on Data Lake and Data Warehouse, highlighting the advantages and improvements Data Lake brings to the storage of large data volumes.


Data Lake, Data Warehouse, ETL, ELT, Schema on Read, Schema on Write.