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Bartering Method for Improving Privacy of LBS


Abdullah M Basahel, Adnan Ahmed Abi Sen, Mohammad Yamin, Sarah Alqahtani


Vol. 19  No. 2  pp. 207-213


Privacy issues are considered to be the greatest challenge facing the future of new technologies. For this, much research has been presented in this domain and researchers have proposed many approaches and methods for protecting privacy and security, but there are many open problems in these approaches related to efficiency and performance. This research provides a review for the previous main approaches, and then presents a new method: ""Bartering Technique."" This is an enhancement for cooperation, caching, and dummies techniques, where Bartering Technique increases the level of privacy and decreases the cost and performance compared to the previous approaches. Through simulation and comparison, we proved the superiority of Bartering Technique on traditional dummies and enhanced-caching techniques.


Privacy, Security, LBS, POI, Bartering