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Model in the Loop Simulation of Flexible Joint Manipulator under Uncertainties


Lilia Zouari, Mossaad Ben Ayed, Slim Chtourou, Mohamed Abid


Vol. 19  No. 2  pp. 126-135


The robot manipulators control has been widely studied. Most studies focus on the control of robots with flexible joints without considering the dynamics of the actuators and the uncertainties. Moreover, few contributions in the literature deal with the problem of a tracking trajectory taking into account the dynamics of the actuators and joint flexibility. Considering the complexity of the studied system, a good choice of controllers is required. To extract the most suitable controllers, predict real scenarios and avoid system damage, Model In the Loop (MIL) technique is proposed. On one hand, this paper studies the MIL model of the proposed system and their controllers. On the other hand, it evaluates the performance of all system via MIL simulation using MATLAB/Simulink environment. Simulation results demonstrate the high performance, the precision and the rapidity of the hybrid controllers such as the fuzzy logic PI controller thanks to their ability to control nonlinear systems.


Model In the Loop Simulation Flexible Joint Manipulator Uncertainties Hysteresis controller Fuzzy logic PI controller