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Imposing Software Traceability and Configuration Management for Change Tolerance in Software Production


Hussain Saleem, S. M. Aqil Burney


Vol. 19  No. 1  pp. 145-154


The presence of change in any production process, especially in software development, is usually intolerant and highly resistive as it creates confusions among developers and breaks the confidence of customers resulting in non-reliable production. Change is inevitable especially while software is built. There could be several reasons for such confusions likely deployment of the application on multiple variant platforms or having multiple releases, or distinct support tools for simultaneous testing, or developers with deputation over multiple projects at the same time, or following bad or weak practices of undertaking frequent modifications over any certified post-release. Such confusions are indeed needed to be managed in a highly organized manner with recording the traces in the case for the post inspective backpropagation for quick determination of any error causing the software failure. Business ventures are operating in a highly competitive arena globally, where such practices are extremely risky and annoying. Software configuration management, SCM fulfils the objective to avoid such confusions when change is requested, where keeping maximum trace record of development i.e. software traceability highly help to determine the timely error for correction without any hassle. In this paper, we have tried best to give awareness to all software development stakeholders understanding trouble of change, maintaining traceability with a quality focus, where practices of change and configuration management are explored.


business change configuration quality software traceability