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Decision Analysis Model for Cloud Based Grass Surveillance Systems
Irfan Syamsuddin, Anton Satria Prabuwono, Ahmad Hoirul Basori, Arif Bramantoro, Arda Yunianta and Alaa Omran Almagrabi
Citation |
Vol. 18 No. 12 pp. 118-124
Advancing grass development and maintenances is a novel research area in Indonesia. Among many areas of grass research, real time monitoring with low cost energy usage is underlined within this paper. In order to support cloud based grass surveillance systems, appropriate video streaming technique is considered be applied according to real time monitoring requirements. This study proposes a new decision analysis model for guiding decision makers to perform selection among existing video streaming algorithms to enhance grass surveillance systems on the cloud. A novel decision analysis model is developed and the guidance for using it properly is also presented.
decision analysis, AHP, grass, surveillance, streaming algorithm.