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Implementation of Convolutional Perfectly Matched Layer Absorbing Boundary Condition with FDTD Method


Abdul Aleem Jamali, Kelash Kanwar, Majid Hussain, Kamran Ali Memon and Fareed Ahmed Jokhio


Vol. 18  No. 12  pp. 56-61


Restricting the size of computational domain in the simulation is highly important to save computational resources. Absorbing boundary conditions (ABCs) are used for limiting the computational area together with other boundary conditions (i.e. Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions). ABCs such as Perfectly Matched Layers (PMLs) are implemented for the analysis of electromagnetic problems such scattering, photonic crystals, and radiation. The objective of this paper is to present the efficient implementation of ABCs by using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) algorithm. In comparison to other numerical algorithms, FDTD technique offers high level performance in a single simulation run, even if the problem area and range of frequencies increased. This paper shows the implementation of Convolutional Perfectly Matched Layer (CPML) absorbing boundary condition instead of PML by preparing CPML code in FDTD algorithm. It is demonstrated from the computational results that CPML is more efficient in terms of performance of absorbing electromagnetic waves.


Computational Electromagnetics, Absorbing Boundary Conditions, Convolutional Perfectly Matched Layer, Finite Difference Time Domain Method, Numerical Methods.