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EBRA: Energy Balanced Routing Algorithm for Underwater Wireless Sensor Network


Mukhtiar Ahmed, Rajab Malookani, Mujeeb ur Rehman, Nadeem Naeem, Sajida Parveen


Vol. 18  No. 12  pp. 49-55


Seabed is full of the application based information, which needs to explore for commercial purpose because at the bottom of the sea, the gold, silver, diamond, coal mines and valuable information is placed. To explore that information to the sea surface needs the designing of the routing protocols. The majority number of the routing protocols are designed for such kind of information retrieval but these routing protocols still faces some majority number of the challenges like: route broken issue between nodes due to the water pressure, depth controlling issue from sea surface to seabed, uncontrollable node mobility, water current issue, deployment issue and battery prolong issue. To maintain the link issue between nodes, control the depth of water, and prolong the battery power of nodes Energy Balance Routing Algorithm (EBRA) is proposed. In EBRA the water depth is controlled by formation of multiple layers from sea surface to seabed. To balance the battery power of nodes EBRA uses the powerful static relay nodes which have more power as compare to other sea water nodes. To control the node mobility the deployment of ordinary nodes at seabed level through multipath with Path Weight mechanism has been adapted for EBRA. The simulator NS2.30 with AquaSim is used for performance analysis. The EBRA is compared with EE-DBR and EMGGR and simulation response of EBRA is better than EE-DBR and EMGGR.


Propagation_delay link_quality node_movement, Energy_ balanced Consumption.