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Modern Internet of Things as a Challenge for Higher Education


Shakir Khan


Vol. 18  No. 12  pp. 34-41


This paper is designed to study the acceptance of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Industry (so-called Industry Internet of Things, shortly IIoT) and the necessities for higher education in the period of the fourth industrial revolt. The accumulation of the fourth letter, ""P"" in face of the ¡°IoT¡± coins the name of the novel idea, ¡°IIoT¡± in next of kin with another term, ¡°Industry 4.0¡±. Because these ideas have no specific and broadly conventional definitions, we offered some well thought-out significant by scientific literature. The paper also draws attention to the most significant similarities and differences between these ideas. PIoT is a very self-motivated idea and it will continually bring revolutionizes in digital technologies, necessities and markets, and will also renovate industries and Industry practices. According to various studies, presently, there is a proficiency gap which may amplify in the future if no stroke is taken. Higher education must approve the most recent associated technologies and must get used to to the novel ways in which people, machines, services and information can interrelate. As a result, employees, students, graduates, etc. have to be uniformly vibrant in learning and obtaining novel skills. The evolution from higher education to service is a challenge that could be further simply addressed during the hard work of all stakeholders, from individuals to organizations, and from industries to governments. As revolutionize in higher education take time, every stakeholders will now have to be active in getting ready for the Industry Internet of Things.


Industry 4.0 Industry internet of things internet of things higher education proficiency gap