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Implementations of Hybrid Fpga Microwave Format Extension as A Control Device


Ahmad AbdulQadir AlRababah


Vol. 18  No. 11  pp. 145-152


The article proposes a method for synthesizing a composite microprogram device control in the basis of hybrid FPGA. The use of class codes of pseudo-equivalent operator linear circuits to reduce the hardware costs in the scheme and reduce the total cost implementation for control devices. An application case of the proposed method is specified. Also It is exposed that the savings of hardware resources reaches 30% while maintaining the time characteristics device. The research task is the development of a method for the synthesis of CMDM, which reduces the amount of macro cells PLA in the scheme of functions formation of excitation of memory. In this case, the control algorithm is formed as a graph-scheme algorithm (GSA).


composite microprogram control device, format extension micro-commands, LUT, hybrid FPGA, hardware costs reduction, pseudo equivalent OLC.