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iAttend: Secured Fingerprint Attendance System in the Cloud


Fahad Alsolami


Vol. 18  No. 11  pp. 49-54


Private organizations and government offices have become more reliant on technology, particularly with employee atten- dance systems that result in a consistent and an efficient work environment. Recently, many private organizations and gov- ernment offices use biometric authentication for their atten- dance monitoring systems. This increase the risk of these sys- tems experiencing cybersecurity attacks, especially if the bio- metric authentication performs on raw data. Another problem arises when private organization and government offices de- ploy the attendance monitoring system locally, even though these systems require scalable computation and storage. This requirement results in the best recommendation being to de- ploy the attendance systems in the cloud, which have scal- able computing along with low cost and ease of use. These challenges motivate our proposal: the iAttend scheme. iAt- tend scheme uses cloud computing, Bipartite token, and se- cret sharing scheme to introduce a secured fingerprint atten- dance system that monitors and manages employee attendance in private organizations and government offices. The iAttend scheme hides an employee¡¯s ID and share of every day atten- dance inside an encoded fingerprint. Then iAttend scheme dis- tributes these shares over multiple clouds. Each day, to validate attendance, an employee provides his/her fingerprint data for authentication using encoded fingerprint data. If it is authen- ticated, iAttend scheme releases one share of the employee¡¯s attendance with his/her ID. This share proves employee atten- dance and is saved in the employee¡¯s record with employee¡¯s ID. Finally, at the end of the payment round, in this case as- sumed to be a month, the iAttend scheme calculates all shares to compute the total attendance record of each employee for the month.


Attendance, Cloud, iAttend, biometric authentication